Meet Our Donors

Dennis Voge

Dennis Voge had family members who served in WWII, including an uncle who enlisted in the Marine Corps right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Like them, Dennis felt it was his patriotic obligation to serve his country. In 1967, after graduating from college, Dennis enlisted in the Marine Corps – he wanted to select the branch he would serve in and not leave it up to the draft. Most of his two years of service was with the 2nd battalion 9th Marines after which he went to law school.

Dennis' time in the Corps instilled in him pride in being a Marine. "The Marine Corps is still a big part of my life," says Dennis, "and I began supporting the MCHF before the Museum was even open."

Says Dennis, "My legacy gift will help ensure that the Corps' history continues to be preserved. The Museum displays our history magnificently! It's a teaching tool that educates visitors about the values and traditions of the Marine Corps."

Interested in joining the 1775 Society?

Contact Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager, at (703)586.7463 or email; or complete our request for information form.

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Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.

Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager