Meet Our Donors

Mr. Glenn Johnson

Glenn Johnson's involvement with the USMC began with a postcard from a Marine recruiter. He responded and just six days after his high school graduation he was on his way to Basic Training. He calls that the best decision he ever made.

Just as enlisting was an easy choice, so too was Glenn's decision to make a legacy gift to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. "My wife suggested that I leave money to an organization that means something to me," said Glenn. "Supporting the Foundation is important not only to me, but also to carrying on the brotherhood."

Glenn designated the MCHF as beneficiary of a financial asset. "Although my involvement is small, my gift is much larger than myself," remarked Glenn. "It was an easy decision and an easy process, and it doesn't take anything out of your pocket right now."

Glenn chose MCHF; have you? If you have already named the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation in your will or other estate plans and have yet to notify the Foundation— or if you're thinking about making a gift— you can use the link on the right to take a short survey and download the info you'd need to include MCHF in your estate plans. Thank You!

Interested in joining the 1775 Society?

Contact Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager, at (703)586.7463 or email; or complete our request for information form.

Contact Us

Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.

Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager