Meet Our Donors

Col. David Cahn, USMC (Ret.)

Colonel David Cahn wanted to be a Marine, just like his father, a WWII and Korean War veteran who instilled in his son the Corps' values of hard work, integrity, loyalty, and to never give up. During his career, Dave served with several commands, including the Marine Barracks at 8th & I, 3rd RECON BN and CENTCOM Fwd. He says, "The Corps became my family -- people I could trust."

Dave believes it's important to protect the Corps' history and ensure it lives on. "My legacy gift to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation is a way to help accomplish this. The National Museum of the Marine Corps not only inspires me to give back for what the Corps gave me, but it also shows visitors that the Marines are the finest fighting force the world has ever seen. I'm honored to help pass on this legacy to future generations."

Interested in joining the 1775 Society?

Contact Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager, at (703)586.7463 or email; or complete our request for information form.

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Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.

Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager