Meet Our Donors

Larry Bittner

Rather than wait to be drafted into the Army, Larry Bittner wanted to be a Marine, the toughest fighting force. Little did Larry know that his high school typing class may have saved his life by qualifying him for an administrative position stateside with the Marine Air Wing in N.C.

After discharge, Larry returned to college as a serious student where he met his wife of 54 years. Together with the discipline learned in the Marines and a wife that motivated him to always be the best, Larry had a career in business and marketing that he could have never imagined.

Larry had not thought much about the Marines, until 9/11 when his pride swelled knowing the Marines would persevere in Afghanistan. After a visit to the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Larry gained a greater appreciation for what Marines have contributed to this great country. Says Larry, "My legacy gift to the MCHF will help ensure that visitors understand and appreciate that."

Interested in joining the 1775 Society?

Contact Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager, at (703)586.7463 or email; or complete our request for information form.

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Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.

Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager