Meet Our Donors

Col Thomas J. Dalzell USMC (Ret)

Tom Dalzell is used to making tough decisions: he's trained thousands of Marines; been in charge of all types of staffs and worked on multi-million dollar projects. "I served 31 years on active duty in the United States Marine Corps in all ranks from Second Lieutenant to Colonel in combat engineering units. But choosing to make a gift that will help carry on the brotherhood of the USMC was an easy decision."

Tom recently updated his trust to include a specific bequest in support of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. "By remembering the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation in my estate plans not only do I help preserve the legacy of selfless service and promulgate the history, traditions, and culture of the Marine Corps, but I can also help educate all Americans in its virtues," says Tom.

Interested in joining the 1775 Society?

Contact Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager, at (703)586.7463 or email; or complete our request for information form.

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Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.

Gayle Union, Estate Administration and Gift Planning Manager